It turns out that the mill George Washington built is still in operation–and that it was cutting-edge technology in its time.
Turns out you can buy cornmeal from that mill. Add in shipping and it wasn’t the most cost-effective way to go, but then I haven’t bought cornmeal in years so I figured two pounds was the right size to last me for awhile. Besides. It was just so cool.
I do like making cornbread that is all or almost all cornmeal, no or almost no flour: it’s tasty but very crumbly, and I tend to throw in an extra egg to hold it together and extra butter, but I haven’t had teenagers to feed in awhile so it’s kind of fallen by the wayside.
My order came today. Somehow the bubble wrap felt like a severe anachronism. Really? I mean, really? (The shipping peanuts were the potato-starch type, which was great.)
But then I cut through to what was underneath those bubbles and, yes, they were right–they absolutely needed to keep that thing from bursting out all over, because a historic-style tie made out of a strip of muslin is only going to get you so far; it needed to be held as still as possible as it bumped through the mail.
I should be typing this to you with a review of how the cornbread came out, but the bag was just too pretty to wreck its very first day here so there’s sourdough rising in the kitchen instead.
4 Comments so far
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Whee … have fun baking. Let me know how it turns out. I’ve take a brief break from baking. Need to let my waistline return to normal(-:
Comment by Anne 05.14.20 @ 11:14 pmI can see why you would want to take a picture of this lovely bag!
May you enjoy the process, when you get to it.
Comment by Suzanne in Montreal 05.15.20 @ 6:08 amYou are correct, that is so interesting. I will be curious to hear how it performs, but I can’t see that it would be a disappointment. 🙂
Comment by Helen 05.15.20 @ 5:43 pmLeave a comment
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