Lockdown day 55: a jar ajar blinks
Sunday May 10th 2020, 9:16 pm
Filed under: Family,Life

At first glance it had gone down fitting exactly into the space and there seemed no physical way to undo what I had just done short of tearing the plumbing apart.

Happy Mother’s Day to you, too, I thought at the rogue jar of jam. Nobody turn on the disposal. Because that would be extra fun.

My hero looked it over and thought up a plan. It involved bending heavy wires with pliers and getting them under it and lifting it out. Not as a single piece going down and across underneath (how, anyway?) and up again but more like the feet on a long stick figure.

I was, to the say the least, skeptical, but trying to be supportive like he was trying to be supportive, so we gave it a try. And then several more, with one holding the flashlight and one…

Not working.

I went looking for the tongs that had been used to retrieve something from behind the washing machine–oh look, it got washed and put back in the kitchen where it belongs, fancy that–and looked at it skeptically. There was no way there was room for that jar and those tongs together.

But when you have a plan B and you don’t have a plan C (that you want to consider) you at least try.

I utterly failed.

Not right away, not till the jar had dropped hopelessly back several times, but, HE DID IT!!! He got it out!!! We don’t have to call a plumber tomorrow!

Sometimes, when you really need a Mother’s Day present like that, you get to have it.

And an atrocious pun that my Dad would have roared laughing over.

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And hopefully, your Mother’s Day went on without another hitch!

Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 05.11.20 @ 7:23 am

When I read this, I thought, oy, I have so many experiences like this one! I mean, not the jar exactly down the disposal, of course, but …you know what I mean. And there you are, both of you, struggling to solve this crazy problem…and being SO happy when it is fixed! I hear you. Oddly though, I have carefully blocked these out afterwards so I do not think about how much of my life I have spent on this stuff!

Comment by Joanne 05.11.20 @ 11:33 am

Well thank heaven you got it to work. My little brain was busily concocting plan c and possibly plan d. Then I read that plan b worked. Hurrah!

In case you ever need it:
Plan c was to get some pre-chewed gum, get it stuck on the bottom of a chopstick and then stick it to the bottom of the jar. May involve waiting for things to Dry a little. So file that away under “possibilities “ for another time.

Belated happy Mother’s Day to you and yours
Chris S

Comment by Chris S in Canada 05.11.20 @ 2:34 pm

How do we know you didn’t stage this just to be able to use that pun?

Comment by twinsetellen 05.12.20 @ 3:30 pm

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