Lockdown day 47: Milk Pail!
Saturday May 02nd 2020, 9:57 pm
Filed under: Food

Milk Pail is back! Sort of.

Their old store is being bulldozed by the developer but it turns out they had a warehouse that they’d held onto, and they still had 45 years’ worth of connections to all kinds of suppliers.

In this ongoing shutdown, a lot of farmers are hurting badly and a lot of grocers are having a hard time stocking their shelves.

The newly retired Steve missed his customers. His daughter, back in college with the burden of stocking the shelves gone, was up for part-timing it now.

You could create a lot of market for individual small farmers if you were packing take-what-you-get bags of produce and olive oil, etc etc for several thousand customers via a drive-through.

And so, in a riff on the Community Supported Agriculture movement, they have started Brigadooning it on weekends. Order on Tuesday, pick up during your chosen hour on Saturday or Sunday, put your name and order number in Sharpie on a piece of paper and hold it up to the window with the back window rolled down or the trunk popped and they’ll just swing your order right in there with a smile, a no-touch contact but definitely a human one.

Last week for their first run it was mostly an assortment of marvelous cheeses with a few accompaniments.

Some of it went in the freezer, because there are only the two of us.

But the response was so enthusiastic that it was definite proof of concept, so now you can order bags of produce, too.

Man, it felt strange to get behind the wheel of the car, and did you ever notice how intense the leaves of all those trees that aren’t in my yard are? And almost no traffic.

Up one side of the parking lot, stop, roll the window and share a moment of oh it is SO good to see you all that went both ways, and back around the divider to the other side of the lot and away.

My first take on the radishes was, what on earth could an ileostomy patient possibly do with those?

There had to be something. Which is how I found this page. Roast them like potatoes and it comes out like that? Now I can’t wait to try.

Keenly aware that every vegetable in my fridge is one someone else didn’t get to find on the shelves, I made a big pot of soup and cleared out what was left of the older as I fit in the new, and it came out really good. Vegetables are food and flavor, not aspirations and intentions. We are definitely eating better.

Has anybody else been cooking a lot more since this shutdown started?

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Yes, I have been making bread regularly, along with soups. I recently spent an afternoon sautéing vegetables before freezing them. I also blanched and froze some veggies.

Now that we are all stocked up, it’s time to start eating the stuff!

Comment by Anne 05.02.20 @ 11:22 pm

We call that refrigerator soup, when we clean out/use up the older stuff. My husband does all the cooking and refrigerator soup is always different and always yummy. I do the baking, and I’m doing it a couple times a week. Some days it seems like I should lay off for a while, but I haven’t yet. ?

Comment by Betty Catherine 05.03.20 @ 3:45 am

Hooray for the return of the Milk Pail! You’ll have to report back on that recipe.

It definitely feels odd to go out, when I do. Mom and I are eating in, but not really trying new recipes and baking. Getting by just fine, but miss eating out: delicious food that you don’t have to cook or clean up after.

Comment by ccr in MA 05.03.20 @ 8:38 am

We are cooking and eating a ton! I am baking bread three times a week and we are eating lots of homemade healthy food. And pie. And homemade caramel popcorn and and and my twins are only eight. Imagine when they are teens!
Hurray for the Milkpail. They are doing important work.

Comment by Joanne 05.03.20 @ 9:05 pm

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