We had two bad years in a row for peach leaf curl disease, and even though I’d used copper spray, one tree was dying and I gave up and replaced it with a resistant variety, and the August Pride…at least looked better than that. I decided to let it try for another year.
My artistic gardening friend James out of the blue decided that someone had done something good for him that was making his life so much better–so much so that he wanted to pay it forward, and he asked me if he could come over with his copper spray and do that job for my peaches?
Totally unexpected. Yes please thank you!
And look at that healthy August Pride now. Needing to thin all that fruit is a great problem to have.
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Mmmm…peach cobbler!
Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 04.03.20 @ 6:09 amLeave a comment
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