Lockdown day 14 ends week six of our personal quarantine
Sunday March 29th 2020, 10:15 pm
Filed under: Food

I baked these yesterday.

They were supposed to be for the freezer for bites for breakfast: chocolate, eggs, hazelnuts, sounds pretty healthy, right?

Only, the freezer is still waiting and I walked in the kitchen this afternoon to–wait. Wow.

So now there are two.

(Turns out I needed two pans for one chocolate hazelnut torte recipe and I only had the one, so the other half of the batter became an 8″ cake which is as yet untouched. Because it looks too big and caloric to break into. I know, I know…) 


3 Comments so far
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Tasty problems, it seems.

I should bake something too…

Comment by Suzanne in Montreal 03.30.20 @ 6:41 am

Such cute little pre-portioned amounts just seem so manageable, don’t they?

Comment by ccr in MA 03.30.20 @ 2:35 pm

I’d just blame the squirrel that went after that orange the other day.

Comment by twinsetellen 03.30.20 @ 9:47 pm

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