Filed under: Wildlife
The sky was so blue, the clouds so white, and the flowers in the Bradford pear such soft cottonballs: I stepped outside several times today to see if my iPhone could do them justice but this is the best I got.
A small bird was at the end of a branch nearest me watching me, and it flew left as I came down the walkway. Suddenly from within the flowers and beginning foliage, a second one burst out of there after it, both of them too fast for me to see what they were.
The leaves are finally coming out and their young will finally have the safety of some concealment. I’d been worrying about the activity I’d seen when the trees weren’t ready for them yet. The warmth starting earlier in the year than it used to does not seem to be affecting flora and fauna the same.
There were two nests in plain view against the stark limbs last week. Now only one is easy to spot. And those two–sparrows, I think they were, appear to be ready to run with it.
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Thank you for sharing the beauty of your world!
We are months away from seeing any green worthy of the name, here: your pictures give me hope.
Comment by Suzanne in Montreal 03.11.20 @ 6:15 amLeave a comment
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