On a windy Sunday
Sunday February 09th 2020, 11:18 pm
Filed under: Family

Being goofy via FaceTime with Mathias while his baby sister watched wide-eyed.

Watching the Sunbubble strain and strain and nearly land in Oz and running out and re-planting the one leg that had managed to free itself and come out of the ground, and later seeing pictures on Facebook of a palm tree in San Jose that simply face planted down the street while another had had its bushy top sheared straight off like a buzzcut on a protesting 60’s rock star.

No rain, February doesn’t believe in rain anymore even though it’s supposed to, just lots of wind that teased that it could pull some in behind it if it wanted to but it didn’t.

I grabbed the plush monkey that his mother had given me for Christmas years ago, velcroed its hands together and loop-the-looped its legs through while Mathias giggled and giggled and made the world right.

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They reported 52 mph gusts in San Jose.

Comment by Anne 02.10.20 @ 12:04 am

I am so glad you were able to spend time with Mathias!

I hope they are all adjusting well to their new surrounding.

Comment by Suzanne in Montreal 02.10.20 @ 9:23 am

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