Next year every day in the White House won’t be worse
Thursday January 16th 2020, 12:14 am
Filed under: History,Politics

Parnas, with notes, singing to the prosecutor about a Republican congressional candidate’s offer to him to do what sounds very much a literal hit job on Ukraine Ambassador Yovanovitch for her determination to do her job right–the guy was stalking her physically and electronically and knew when her phone was off so she wouldn’t be able to call for help. Swearing that Trump knew every detail of all that he was saying. It gives fresh malevolence to Trump’s warning, “Maybe something bad’s going to happen to her” if she didn’t flee Ukraine immediately. Which she did.

The trial. Only the CNN camera will be allowed (because McConnell can’t get away with ditching that one.) Most reporters’ seats are being taken away and given to Senate family members. The lights are to be kept low as one approaches and no cameras or phones allowed near the chambers, much less in. Secrecy and darkness.

So very McConnellized.

But in the end he cannot gerrymander his fellow Senators.

I still hold out some hope that enough of them still have a conscience somewhere within them. History will hold them accountable, and you better believe, so will we.

When the country erupts in celebration at the conviction, all those Senators now hiding their views will be sure to point out that they’re the ones who get the credit.

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Your last sentence took my breath away: you are so very right!!!

Comment by Suzanne in Montreal 01.16.20 @ 7:00 am

I wish…he would be not-the-president immediately, there is no avenue of appeal, but I don’t think he would go. We would have the spectacle of the president of the United States arrested and removed, evicted from the residence, and there would be riots–He would call for them. There is no easy ending for this mess. He will fan the flames to the bitter end. And I don’t think enough senators will step up, but I hope they do, on principle, come what may.

Comment by Marian 01.16.20 @ 11:34 pm

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