Wrapping it up
Wednesday December 04th 2019, 10:52 pm
Filed under: Life

Christmas shopping, numbers crunching, did I get everyone, wait–what was that notice? No that’s not supposed to be being shipped here! Nooo!

In the middle of all that, this popped up for me, and if you didn’t see it you really should: every Christmas season seems to produce at least one really memorable, wonderful ad, and this is it.

Although I’m guessing the two year old is probably two and ten or eleven months old. But two is two. And adorable. He’s manning the store here.

(That’s a CNN link with the story behind it. If you want just the video, and of the previous years’ so you can see their baby growing up between them, go here.)

2 Comments so far
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Well that just brought a tear to my eye at the end. That’s how I see my boy, and how I always will. Even though he just bought his first house, and has an amazing, successful life by any measure… he’s still the little boy I remember.

Comment by Pegi F 12.05.19 @ 4:32 am

Oh, that’s so cute!

Comment by ccr in MA 12.05.19 @ 8:05 am

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