Sweater weather
Thursday November 14th 2019, 11:01 pm
Filed under: Garden,Life

We’re two months into the supposed rainy season, still watering the trees, hoping that we get lots of rain later to make up for what we’re having to draw out.

But at least today it was finally chilly and cloudy and it looked like a storm coming in. There’s none in the forecast, but having the sky finally not look like bright cloudless July helped restore faith that I just need to wait awhile. That and having to put on two layers of sweaters–which felt great. Thrift-store cashmere, I’ve missed you.

Pro tip: people who send theirs to the dry cleaners wreck the softness and then wonder what they paid all that money for and often enough end up ditching them. One good tepid-temperature soak in a no-dye no-scents liquid laundry detergent and gentle hand washing, a spinning out in the washer with the water turned off to avoid felting, laying the item out to dry, and there you go: the softness is back.

I give the sweater a good shake before putting it over the wide shower rod; if there was any shrinking, which happens lengthwise the most when it does, that’s enough to put it right.

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I have a couple of older cashmere sweaters (L.L. Bean) that I’m using as my baby care sweaters – I wear them when I’m babysitting. They are so soft and they go through my washer and dryer beautifully. I’ve heard that not all cashmere will do this, but I suspect that is because it wasn’t pure cashmere even if it were labeled that way.

Comment by twinsetellen 11.15.19 @ 3:32 pm

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