History happened today
Friday November 15th 2019, 11:10 pm
Filed under: History,Politics

Did anybody else watch the Yovanovitch hearing? I was riveted.

I grew up around diplomats’ kids and watching her I felt a sense of recognition: that unflappable calm, that ignoring demands that she answer in a way that might be construed as political and thus at fault, that power in simply laying out the truth. Under fire, as the President interrupted the proceedings with tweeted derision.

I found myself remembering my then-nine-year-old neighbor Sandy next door talking about the time, while they were living overseas on a State Department assignment, that armed rebels had come to their door and her mother had told them to go away from her home and her kids and that she expected them to leave–and they did!

We need her mom to go talk to this administration.

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Yes. Definitely. With a wooden spoon, perhaps? A time-out chair at the very least!

Comment by Anne 11.16.19 @ 1:54 am

Yes, please, send the mom. Send an army of those moms/dads/aunties/uncles/cousins.

Not watching it live because of the time difference. It starts here at 4 a.m. and it is too difficult to try and follow along in the middle. Watching the summaries later.

I don’t know which is more appalling to me: what is happening, or having large sections of our government pretend it is normal.

Comment by Lisa 11.16.19 @ 10:56 am

It has been hearings all the time, all the hearings. I just can’ t deal with it any more.
What part of “you took an oath of office to put the country in front of your personal wishes” don’t certain people get?
What part of “bullying is totally and completely WRONG” don’t those same people get.

I think it is going to take more than a parent with a kitchen implement. It is going to take elected representatives doing their constitutional job.

Comment by Holly 11.16.19 @ 6:57 pm

All I can add is; it is making the women look strong and patriotic, and most of the men (Prez included) idiotic.

Comment by Helen 11.16.19 @ 10:54 pm

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