Moose Mountain
Wednesday October 30th 2019, 10:05 pm
Filed under: Knitting a Gift

I added a 16 stitch repeat to the width? I did? I have to adjust the pattern to match? Good thing I caught that in time. Barely. Here, let’s drop this and this and this stitch down two rows and flip the purls to knits and those knits to purls. Got it.

And on the very row of, I realized that oh wait, when I knitted that first moose I added two stitches’ width between front and back hooves because whoever designed the chart I’m working from clearly had a picture of a moose facing them, whereas I want a side view. Those two stitches (checking the original baby blanket vs the chart) change everything. Also, a muzzle that doesn’t make it look like a deer. Don’t forget that when you get up there.

After putting the second Alaskan afghan project (ie, a washable version) down for two weeks starting with Dad’s funeral, today was the day when I had to make myself sit down and work out exactly what the new layout of pine and moose was going to be across the bottom of the picture because I knew that once I got that done and out of my way the thing would start flying off the needles on its own momentum.

I came so close to merrily hashing it and having to rip out–days’ worth, surely. I caught myself just in time.

And now it’s gone from, why have I only barely started this thing when I’m running out of time if I want to deliver it in person, to, it’s coming along great now. It’s finally hard to put it down. I’ve been waiting for that and needing that and today, this thing’s finally got legs.

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Comment by Anne 10.30.19 @ 10:38 pm

Well done. I finished the everlasting alpaca scarf yesterday and would have finished the second sock of a pair today, were it not my night to cook dinner for five here.

So pleased to see end of the alpaca scarf. Simple knitting, columns of stocking stitch and moss stitch and a border each side. But it went forever.

Comment by Jan 10.30.19 @ 10:53 pm

and, if you don’t like taking notes as you go – the alternative is to take pictures as you knit…. then you can SEE where you did what.

Comment by Holly 10.31.19 @ 8:16 am

Isn’t it just so satisfying when you get to that stage? I love it.

Comment by ccr in MA 10.31.19 @ 3:24 pm

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