Friday August 23rd 2019, 10:16 pm
Filed under: Garden
Filed under: Garden
What I was noticing was the Big Boy tomatoes under the bird netting that were growing bigger and not being eaten by critters. Yay.
Also, that there seemed to be one area in which the plant hadn’t sent up a major branch.
It had been trying all along, I found out tonight, but the netting had caught on it. But it couldn’t stop it. It curled back down and up and around again as the leaves tucked in tight. I cut and cut and cut away at that netting to let it out to see the world.
All those intertwined loops. I think it knitted itself.
3 Comments so far
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Mother Nature is so awesome!
Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 08.24.19 @ 6:09 amLove made edible? hihihi
Comment by Suzanne in Montreal 08.24.19 @ 10:01 amLeave a comment
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