Monday August 26th 2019, 9:22 pm
Filed under: Family
Filed under: Family
Quiet puttering and a lot of catching up on my reading today.
Didn’t feel like running around catching up on errands, and I wondered why for awhile.
It gradually came to the surface that it just felt like this was the time to consider the world and the wonder of it all, to have no distractions but simply to take it all in. There was this deep sense of happiness at Lily being in our world now.
As the messages came in telling of things she’s already doing on her own now.
3 Comments so far
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Hurray for Lily! Sounds like she’s going to be a tough one.
Comment by Anne 08.27.19 @ 12:48 amA true member of your family: strong women, you have!
Keeping you all in my prayers.
Comment by Suzanne in Montreal 08.27.19 @ 6:55 amLeave a comment
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