We were at a potluck supper with friends this evening and rather than hanging out for a long time at the end, my husband felt it was time to go. He waited patiently as I wrapped up a conversation. It was definitely early.
I might quietly have conveyed that I’d like to stay a bit longer but somehow I found myself feeling like yes, it’s time (while wondering at myself for that.) And so we thanked the hosts and headed out.
Which means we pulled into our driveway just as our elderly neighbor next door was in hers, needing help. I called out a cheerful hi–and found myself going over to her.
She was frustrated. She was at times fighting tears. I gave her a hug, while quietly wondering how long it had been since she’d had one.
Richard had headed inside so I texted him, Come. He came.
Her car window was stuck down. He got it up.
There was a tool she needed to fix a problem inside the house and he had that tool and went to go get it. He’s a geek–he’s got all kinds of little things like that. When he gave it to her, we both knew she might forget it and we might never see it again–and that that was fine. The message that it conveyed backed up our words that she could call us anytime and know that we were glad to help.
We also found out that her daughter across the country whom I’d been quietly messaging a few times to try to keep her updated about her mom as best I could has cancer.
Just like the mom had had–at the same time I was diagnosed with lupus. Twenty-nine years ago, and we were both still standing right there. That left room for a great deal of hope.
We told her we’d left that dinner early and that now we knew why.
Suddenly she needed a second hug and she got it.
3 Comments so far
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Indeed. There seems to be a direct pipeline to call you to where you are needed.
Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 08.19.19 @ 6:59 amNo mistakes here. I knew someone who called such moments “God-incidences” rather than coincidences.
Comment by Marian 08.19.19 @ 9:14 amIt was all meant to be.
I do my best to follow your example and listen to the guiding Hand.
Comment by Suzanne in Montreal 08.19.19 @ 9:41 amLeave a comment
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