Thursday July 25th 2019, 9:50 pm
Filed under: Knit
Filed under: Knit
The plan was to work on the afghan.
But that brown Malabrigo insisted I go get it, insisted I wind it, and then when I said okay did that and picked up the afghan, I found myself putting it back down and giving myself over to the urge to not just cast on a hat but actually make that hat.
It felt important.
I guess I’ll find out why soon enough.
2 Comments so far
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Picture showed up just fine today! Looks luscious!
Comment by Christine Pereira 07.26.19 @ 5:17 amThat looks so nice and squishy! I look forward to finding out who needs it.
Comment by ccr in MA 07.26.19 @ 9:37 amLeave a comment
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