I cobbled this post together from bites and pieces
Tuesday July 16th 2019, 10:52 pm
Filed under: Food

Grocery-store Rainier cherries to supplement (while trying not to insult) the last of (I knew I should have bought more) Andy’s Black Republican ones.

It’s a good thing I couldn’t find my cherry pitter last week. I still haven’t found it, which makes no sense except for the fact that now I’m really glad I didn’t.

Because it made me go looking for a better version–there had to be a better version out there than what I had.

Let me tell you how much better Sur La Table’s $11.99-on-sale version was than the $10 cheapo from Amazon: I pitted all those cherries in almost no time WHILE (stupidly) WEARING A SILK BLOUSE. Pardon me while I shout. I was daring myself to stop being so lazy and just go change my clothes and I continued anyway and it was fine. No cherry juice squirting all over the kitchen, no having to place each one just exactly so, no worrying about which size cherry went where: roll’em in, make sure they’re all in an indentation, cover and stab seven at one go, repeat to about 70 pits before you have to empty them out of the bottom part–and they do not get in the way underneath, unlike my old gadget.

Roll cover push roll cover push roll cover push look up that Washington Post cobbler recipe, done!

(Edit: Having run to try it out after posting this, it works for the bigger pluerries (plum/cherry crosses) too, although it’s harder work.)

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Wow on both fronts! You just gave me the best gift idea for my sister-in-law! We visited them over the Fourth of July weekend, and she made a cherry pie… and had my partner pit ALL those cherries with that little tool. He kept saying how fiddly the thing is to use. I’m so glad there’s a better gadget! And that cobbler looks just yummy. New recipe for me to try! Thanks!

Comment by Pegi F 07.17.19 @ 2:48 am

My goodness, isn’t that clever! I’m so glad you found it.

Comment by ccr in MA 07.17.19 @ 5:26 am

There’s a cross between plums and cherries?

Comment by Nancy G 07.24.19 @ 3:31 pm

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