How big?
Tuesday July 23rd 2019, 10:13 pm
Filed under: Knit

We played a bit of a game tonight: trying to guess the size and type of the critter just outside by the sounds it was making.

Big sounds.

I turned on the porch light. No sign, but a moment or two later, more sounds, light or no light–to use an old expression from back home, it didn’t pay it no never mind.

I opened the door so as to hear better and the tiny skittery sound off to the right was probably the target of the I don’t care that you know that I’m here sound off to the left.

“Close the door, you don’t want to get sprayed.”

Well that’s a better thought than a mountain lion. Did I hear that awning bounce a minute ago? Skunks don’t climb nor do they jump down.

I closed the door.

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Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 07.24.19 @ 5:32 am

That was an adventure!

Will you check with your neighbors if they saw it and could identify it?

Comment by Suzanne in Montreal 07.24.19 @ 8:11 am

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