Protecting others is the right thing to do
Thursday June 13th 2019, 10:02 pm
Filed under: Garden,Life

(Dwarf hydrangea from a florist, a gift a few years ago from my friend Edie that has naturalized beautifully in my yard.)

One of my friends had someone hijack her FB post to take it on an anti-vaxxer rant.

Which helped me walk away from the whole thing and go finish that fifteenth long afghan row of the day.

But while I was knitting, just amazed yet again that someone would be so afraid of autism that even if vaccines caused it, which they don’t, that they would be willing to hurt or kill my child or theirs or anybody on chemo or any child too young for their shots–to try not to have to parent a kid who saw the world differently? Huh?

And then the sudden thought. I know from a friend with a severely autistic son that statistically the people most likely to have an autistic child already have one–there is a clear genetic component.

But still, the question I might ask the next such person is this: If someone came up with a vaccine to protect against developing autism, would you give it to your child?

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Dwarf hydrangea – what a great idea! My son and daughter-in-law just bought a house in Denver, and I’m flying out in August to help them finish settling in. I’d love to plant a perennial garden for them as a housewarming gift, and you reminded me to look at whether hydrangeas will grow in Colorado.

As for the vaccination thing, I’ve been saying the exact same thing. Is autism so anathema to people that they are willing to risk death? The autistic students I teach are so creative and such outside-the-box thinkers that the world would be a poorer place without them. They add so much to the blessed diversity of humanity.

Comment by Pegi 06.14.19 @ 3:46 am

Well said.

Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 06.14.19 @ 6:37 am

I know the whole vaccine thing is deadly serious, but your last sentence is so perfectly to the point it made me laugh. And the hydrangea is lovely!

Comment by Helen 06.14.19 @ 5:55 pm

and it is the success of our generation that allows these “creative thinkers” to go about their business. It isn’t just the autism issue – although you have made an absolutely brilliant point that I will steal – it is the belief that disease are natural and not risky.

Hello? Foxglove is natural, but we don’t let our children eat it. Poison Ivy is natural, but we don’t let our children play in it. For that matter, Uranium and Lead are natural, but certainly not good for small growing people.

And it is these same people who would, in a heart beat, accept antibiotics if they or their child have a major infection. Or refuse to let me send peanut butter cookies to school for fear of risking “their child.” But apparently, it is alright for them to risk the rest of us.

Comment by Holly 06.15.19 @ 1:10 pm

It is my belief that children with autism, or any other condition many consider an imperfection, are seen in the eyes of our Heavenly Father as perfect. It is we humans who label them. Like many I would be ecstatic if no child had the challenges of the many conditions that exist. I’d be equally ecstatic if humans saw these conditions as only a challenge and not an imperfection. After all, we are all imperfect.

Comment by ShellyH 06.26.19 @ 11:07 am

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