Hunka hunka burning, Love! Ooh!
Saturday June 08th 2019, 10:19 pm
Filed under: Family,Food,Life

I put my favorite Mel and Kris hot cocoa mug in the microwave this morning, same as I always do, and turned my back to do something on the other side of the kitchen.

And suddenly wondered what that smell was. We’re talking maybe fifteen seconds here.

Richard came down the hall just then, going, Turn it off! Turn it off! Unplug it!

Smoke was pouring out of the microwave as we opened the door. And then the other doors, and the fan, and the skylight…

Is it just me, or does everybody have three different appliances spontaneously combust? Well not all at once, at least.

So did I knit today? I did not. I researched, I read endless reviews and reports, I went, Are you KIDDING me at Amazon’s saying they would ship that particular model in three to five months, and then I paid for the last one of these that Target had in stock so that nobody could beat me to it and drove over and picked it up so that I could have my hot cocoa in the morning without having to stand over a scorching pot again.

Do not stand between me and my morning cocoa. Three parts cocoa to one of sugar–I’m pretty hardcore.

Do you think we could start a microwave selfie fad?

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What is it that you do to them???!!! ?

Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 06.09.19 @ 5:39 am


I’m heard of some people who can’t wear a wrist watch because their skin turns green under it. Perhaps you have some sort of appliance-disrupting magnetism?

Comment by ccr in MA 06.09.19 @ 7:00 am

our microwave committed suicide several months ago. It hasn’t been replaced. Maybe next summer if I tackle kitchen renovations.

Now – if my kettle (electric) when on the fritz, I would be more than upset

Comment by Holly 06.09.19 @ 7:09 am

Mine (microwave) is used for heating 1/2 and 1/2 so I can pour in sugar and then some left over espresso. The hot 1/2 and 1/2 is enough to heat the espresso and it is ‘just right’. But strange about your power ‘glitch’. Glad all is okay.

Comment by Helen 06.10.19 @ 7:40 pm

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