(Afghan progress: halfway there.)
Yonder daughter came by and homemade strawberry pie she’d made was enjoyed by all.
Later, I was reading the paper and mentioned out loud the story in there of someone in Florida hearing something messing around downstairs in the middle of the night and they got all brave and stepped out the bedroom door to look over the railing to find out what on earth was going on.
The downstairs was being wrecked. By an 11-foot alligator that had broken in through a window.
I said, Y’know, when I was a kid those were almost extinct from hunting, and now they’ve really made a comeback.
Daughter gives a wry grin and says, You can tell your blog: it is much better to live where there are man-eating cats where you hike. Much better! Man-eating cats!
And she turns back to what she was doing, chuckling, joking/not joking.
3 Comments so far
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Don’t think I want to deal with either one! LOL!!!
Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 06.03.19 @ 4:56 amThe blanket is beautiful!
I don’t want to face either the gator or the big cat in reality, but in theory I like the idea of the cat better.
Comment by ccr in MA 06.03.19 @ 7:16 amand falcons…
Comment by Holly 06.03.19 @ 12:31 pmLeave a comment
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