102, 104, 106–It all depended on which thermometer or weather report you were paying attention to. But it was hot.
And as I sat quietly knitting I thought, the Enron scandal with the corrupt contracts and the rolling blackouts–those are long over with. (Part of me thought, But don’t they still do rolling blackouts down south?) Yay for air conditioning. Lupus patients don’t do well in high heat, but then, who does, right.
I got up to nuke myself a quick late lunch and grab a glass of milk and, coming back in the room–the computer screen in that amount of time had gone black.
Nothing could bring it back up.
Something finally clued me in that even though I’d just used the microwave, wait, oh good, it’s not the computer–nothing else is on, either.
The worker next door stopped hammering and whatever and a few minutes later knocked to ask: Was my power out, too?
Oh yes. I offered him our battery drill if his was running out of juice; he laughed, thanked me, and a few minutes later called it a day and drove off.
I unplugged the bought-on-Saturday microwave since it didn’t have a surge protector and thought, well? Let’s see how many more rows I can get done on this afghan before having over two pounds of wool heaped up in my lap makes me cry uncle, and then I’ll just have to find somewhere to go. (The answer was four.)
My phone showed the blackout area: it looked like the whole town at varying levels of intensity, and the next one over, and up this way well into the hills. Wow, it’s a big one.
I went to the Target in the next city going the other way. Where they were keeping it just cooled enough. I wanted to go to Trader Joe’s and stand in the refrigerator aisle, but then I’d buy something cold and have no way to put it away.
I wasn’t the only one who got to the checkout and went, nah, there’s gotta be something else to look at. I do NOT want to go out there yet.
I finally got up the courage to say to the two moms with kids who did that too that I had that map, that I’d just refreshed the page and it’s still happening and here’s where it goes to; was it affecting them, too?
It was indeed, and they were glad to at least know.
So I had the laundry detergent and I won’t have to buy padded shipping bags for awhile but Target can only be interesting for so long. No I did not need a $16 gadget for making individual ice cream waffle bowls one by one while the grandkids wait and wish the next one were theirs.
They only had the display model anyway. Sorry, kids. But I bet all the retailers made great sales today–the ones that were able to stay open.
I checked out. I checked that page. It was what it was.
But since I didn’t want it to be, I checked it again when I pulled into my driveway. This time the lines drawn around the areas were the same but the colors of them faded out and…
…were gone.
I walked through my front door to the sound of the beautiful, beautiful air conditioner completely throwing itself into its life’s work.
5 Comments so far
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It hit 103 at our house – our monitor is located on the shaded north-facing porch. We also had a brownout tonight that luckily started just after I’d made my smoothie, and lasted for over an hour. The power would flicker, go out, then flicker again. I had to rush and turn off the AC as it groaned, trying desperately to go on. Fortunately, all is well now.
Comment by Anne 06.10.19 @ 11:50 pmWow…you guys in CA get hit with a lot of…uh…stuff. Glad you didn’t have to deal with it for too long.
Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 06.11.19 @ 6:59 amI found knitting a heavy item in the heat works if I have a small table in front of me where I can rest the bulk. Or sit at a table. Life lessons when the yarn for each child’s high school graduation afghan arrived with less than a month for the afghan to be knit. Another option is a cardboard box on your lap to hold the afghan.
Comment by Mary 06.11.19 @ 1:14 pmThat’s some knitterly dedication! A few years ago when I was making a blanket, even with the a/c, I tended to put the weight of it off to one side. Kind of screwed with my neck (fortunately only temporarily), but that much warm on me in summer I could not do.
Comment by ccr in MA 06.11.19 @ 1:20 pmJust lost my comment as I forgot to put in my name, lol. I can feel for you. I was commenting about a summer in northern Illinois where it is usually okay for most days, when my son was about 5 and we were staying with my parents and my dad for some reason refused to put in the window aircondition in the dining room. He has the help (brothers), but just got a ‘wild hare’ and wasn’t going to do it. My mother and son and I spent afternoons (when the trees didn’t shade the house- 2 story old farm house) at the public library. And we did ‘cold’ meals, no point in heating up a hot house. This was a contrast to the summer where we were wearing sweaters and coats all summer even August because it was so cold! lol Hope you power remains constant (as in ON!)
Comment by Helen 06.11.19 @ 2:52 pmLeave a comment
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