Buy Corelle, the physical therapist told me at the time: it’s lighter on your hands and helps with the arthritis. Which was severe at the onset of my lupus 29 years ago, to the point that I was having to eat with plastic utensils.
I have my favorite Mel and Kris stoneware collected over twenty+ years and mostly use that, but my kids remember the Corelle plates and bowls as part of their growing up. I have broken many of them and don’t replace them because there’s no longer the need.
I have not broken a single stoneware plate.
Basically, I use the Corelle as covers over things in the microwave and as an easily-cleaned coaster while stirring my morning cocoa and that’s pretty much it.
Hands. They must be protected. You never know, they decided. So when my husband and his siblings needed somewhere for their folks’ Corelle to go, it ended up here.
We tackled that box today. I marveled that every piece was perfect, not the slightest chip anywhere–unlike mine, which have seen better days even though I’m very careful not to let the edges touch anything else in the dishwasher.
I had a moment of, how on earth could that be, and then realized that my late mother-in-law could not have abided setting a plate with a chip at her table and she definitely could have afforded to replace any.
There were so many pieces that if I added them to mine that middle shelf would probably break.
And so the old chipped faded ivy pattern which I prefer got booted out today in favor of plain no-frills white. Which is thinner, too. Curious.
There is one, count’em one single plate with an old-fashioned blue scallop/snowflake that probably dates to the ’60’s; I figure I’ll give away a chocolate torte on it and hope it doesn’t come back.
Then I pulled out my pretty, substantial, memories-of-friends hand thrown stoneware and set the table for dinner.
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Didn’t catch the title until I’d caught up reading the other recent posts. A good thing, too, as I probably wouldn’t have recovered sufficiently from the groaning to do so…
Comment by twinsetellen 05.05.19 @ 6:33 pmYes – stone ware – mine is all from Heath, bought as seconds and thirds at the factory. I love it. It is sturdy, it is all mismatched, it goes in the dishwasher.
The corelle = from Germany which it replaced found a home with friends of daughter #2 who had just moved across the country with limited money and resources. They were delighted with the simple, plain white. I was just delighted to see it had a new home
I have real china, it is all on the shelf looking lovely. The set from my MIL went to the eldest who loved it. All intact, old fashion and well cared for.
Comment by Holly 05.07.19 @ 5:42 pmLeave a comment
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