I haven’t mentioned the peregrine falcons all season and the San Jose ones are about to fledge.
Video taken today here, a few baby feathers hanging on as the eyases look over the edge and see some of the world outside their concrete outdoor hallway, with everything new.
Photos from when they were banded last week here. Two males, one female.
And the afghan? I started in on that pattern.
Goofed, tinked back all 279 stitches I’d just done, put the project back in its ziplock, and decided to let it breathe for a day. Discovered a ninth pomegranate on the tree.
2 Comments so far
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Somehow, I imagine your yard to be an arena of peace and life.
Sometimes, I project myself there to relax. I hope it’s ok with you…
Comment by Suzanne in Montreal 05.14.19 @ 5:51 amSometimes the wisest thing to do with a project is to put it in time-out so that it can think about what it’s done!
Comment by ccr in MA 05.14.19 @ 12:09 pmLeave a comment
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