So proud
Wednesday April 03rd 2019, 9:47 pm
Filed under: Family,Life

Dad’s on a lot of oxygen–the machine’s at eight, for those who know how to count such things–but even so, his blood levels sink really low when he gets up and walks around, so while Mom, my husband, and my older siblings (who visited mostly one at a time, other than Sunday night’s pizza dinner) chatted, I found myself going and sitting in front of the TV in the other room with Dad, whose hearing makes it hard for him to follow the conversation in even a small crowd and who needs that chair where he can put his feet up high.

I’ve had my blood oxygen at 70%, setting off the alarm repeatedly in the hospital for a temporary problem. I don’t know how he does it. I am in awe of his perseverance.

The Smithsonian Channel was on a lot, nice and loud for the both of us, and as I quietly knitted I learned a lot of stuff I never knew before about the Egyptian pyramids. Which was pretty cool. Limestone increases in strength with compression but if you tap at it and cut it just exactly so, it slices pretty much straight down. Who knew?

I went through three and a half skeins in those four days.

Dad reached for my hands with a light in his eyes: he had something he wanted to tell me.

“I wanted someone who was intellectual and spiritual,” he said. “I picked your mother for you kids.” He wanted me to know how proud he was of her and how proud he was of us. Of me. Of each one of my kids. He wanted to tell me this and he wanted to say it now, not for the first time, but it was important to him to give voice to all his heart right now.

Mom chose the best, too, Dad. Both of you did, and we thank you for it and we are proud of who you are and grateful for who you helped us to be. We love you.

5 Comments so far
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Those one-on-one moments are so special. I have such loving memories of my dad saying similar things to me over the years, and I treasure each memory.

Comment by Pegi F 04.04.19 @ 1:31 am

I have no words…

Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 04.04.19 @ 6:58 am

With all the extravaganzas in life, the parties, the trips-of-a-lifetime, the awards ceremonies, it’s moments like those you describe here that mean the most.

Comment by twinsetellen 04.04.19 @ 7:18 am

I’m glad he got to tell you, and you got to hear it.

Comment by ccr in MA 04.04.19 @ 10:08 am

I’m glad you two had this conversation. Time gets away from us and important things get left unsaid.

Comment by Helen 04.04.19 @ 12:22 pm

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