It’s easier for the two of us to fly than the two of them and their four kids, so it had been awhile since they’d all been here. There’ve been changes in the yard just this year; the two older boys ran out back to explore.
I named each fruit tree going around one by one.
It was when I said the magic words ‘apple tree’ that Parker’s face lit up. “Apple!”
I’d wondered if he remembered. He’d been not quite four. Me snipping the tape off the clamshell squirrel cage then lifting him up, him picking the last apples off that tree I planted when his daddy had been about his age, him watching me intently in the kitchen as I sliced them up and then him proudly offering everybody their portion. (His baby brother ditched the skin on his by wiping the bits into the spaces between the keys on the piano when no one was looking.)
After that visit, my daughter-in-law told me that Parker wanted to eat apples all the time and he wanted them cut across the equator so all the seeds showed and he wanted to go on walks to plant those seeds so they could grow into great big apple trees where they lived so that everybody around them could get to pick and eat apples like that, too.
He wasn’t more than politely impressed with my peaches or cherries (yet) but that big old Fuji, that one was near and dear to his heart.
And the kids could climb it, too, though I didn’t think of it at the time and they didn’t think to ask. It wasn’t till later that I tried to picture any good climbing trees near them and couldn’t come up with any, and I can imagine it didn’t occur to them that one even does such things.
It’s not terribly scary high and it is pretty sturdy.
Well then. Next time.
1 Comment so far
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What wonderful memories, and how wonderful that Parker remembered those apples! It always amazes me how much children remember from their earliest years. Of course, having loving grandparents being part of those memories helps give them a boost, too!
Comment by Pegi 04.23.19 @ 3:12 amLeave a comment
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