The cowl was just the right color for her. Cashmere and 14-micron merino: soft, soft stuff.
It came out the wrong gauge. The last time I used that yarn I was trying to make a hat that was Alaska windproof and I guess my inner yarnmemory wanted to keep it that way. I thought, well, at least it will stretch out a lot when it hits the water.
It only did a little. Assessing it honestly, it was pretty but it was pretty small: it needed a petite person for it to be flattering on, which she is not. And it was very warm, again begging for someone who needs it that way.
So it’s been sitting around for a few weeks, a little lost. Last night I felt like, I need that done and I need it done now. I found it and ran the ends in and put it in my purse, along with a project in progress to make up for it that was partly that same blue.
Which my intended recipient totally fell in love with. Malabrigo in the Whales Road colorway for the win! Deep-water blue, a little purple, a little teal, perfectly blended, in a much lighter yarn. The gauge and size are coming out perfect and she is very happy about it.
Meantime, very much to my surprise, John E showed up from New England to visit his mother, introducing his wife to all his old friends who were still around.
When we moved here in the late ’80’s, I was asked to teach the twelve-year-olds. Of which there was, for the first six months, one. Him. I asked if there was a manual for the class? I think so, the person in charge answered, but never got back to me despite being pestered a few more times. Well alright then I’ll just have to make do.
So every Sunday I had about 35 minutes one on one with this kid, trying to teach him what it means to try to live by the light of the love that seeks to guide our steps toward blessing others. That we make mistakes. We own it and apologize. We learn. We improve. We go on.
It was hard, since the planning and delivering were ad-libbing, but it was easy; he was a great kid.
I remember one time when he came home from college, watching him interacting with others at the ward Christmas party I think it was, and with my own kids being young I said to his mom standing next to me and with quite a bit of pride of my own directed his way, How does it feel to know you’ve succeeded?
He heard that and turned to face us from several feet away in the crowd, overwhelmed. It was a moment for all of us to live up to forevermore.
His hair is starting to turn gray.
His wife is quite petite, and a lovely woman who made you instantly feel like you were in the presence of a friend. Clearly John found the right one.
She was busy talking to someone else, so I motioned towards his jacket and asked if she liked that color?
Yes, she does! His eyes suddenly wanted to know where this was going, hoping/not daring to hope…
The next thing you know, she was swooning over the most perfect soft blue cowl and he was telling her happily, You know that really big warm scarf I have? She made it!
She threw her arms around me. I was claimed.
Awhile later, as people cleared out and they were off to his mom’s, someone who grew up here took me aside and asked, Who was that guy everybody was swarming around?
Then, That was JOHN?!!! Man, she told me, after not seeing him for 30 years I just didn’t recognize him.
Well, but that’s the difference between 12 and 18. He was just a little kid to you back then.
2 Comments so far
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Your projects always find the right home…how lovely! As for the other….you can never go wrong with mMalabrigo…in Wales Road!!
Comment by Ruth 03.10.19 @ 11:18 pmI just love the way you always manage to match project with person! Makes my heart sing! ~chris
Comment by Christine Pereira 03.11.19 @ 2:04 pmLeave a comment
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