Last night I was marveling to Richard, I have no vocabulary for this. I’ve never experienced this before. It’s so weird.
Come bedtime, though, I pictured myself writing it down and then the words came: it felt like a water ballon inside that squished up or down as I moved my knee.
It did not want any weight on it. It did not want to let me get any sleep.
Today seemed better but to be careful I still went in: not hurting terribly much when I don’t use it doesn’t mean it will not hurt later when I do–that, and more to the point, my pain levels are completely unreliable as problem detectors. Sometimes those nerves work and sometimes they don’t. Which can be nice. Mostly.
Richard came in with me at my invitation and explained to the doctor, “I’m her ears.”
I made the guy laugh, looking at the sizes of the two of us, when I illustrated that particular idiosyncrasy by describing the time he took off his undershirt, hit the overhead light, it shattered, he fell into the wooden hamper trying to avoid the breaking falling glass and I ran across it to go save him.
Like that works?
Then I sat down and howled with laughter: we are such klutzes! Because the idea of me pulling him out..! and because I knew that within five minutes I wouldn’t be able to feel what I’d just done to my feet. And I didn’t.
The doctor reassured me that the knee wasn’t broken. “It will probably help a lot if you stabilize it”–he told me what kind of brace to go buy.
It is on. And it really does help.
“Anything else?” This guy was thorough.
The elbow.
The knitting? He glanced at it peeking out of my purse.
The earlier injury, then the weight of the granite-bottomed melanger and the batch I decided to do by myself. “That’s why I hold the bowl,” Richard admonished, but not that one time, and that one time is when I learned how much I need his help.
So the elbow has a brace too now and the reasons why it will help that I didn’t know before.
But here’s the thing: that look of being taken completely by surprise and then the sudden eagerness in the up-till-then quiet face that said I AM SO GETTING ONE OF THOSE!!! when I explained just exactly what a melanger is after the word sailed right past him the first time.
1 Comment so far
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Well, I’m sorry you need the braces, but glad you have their help. And a nice, thorough doctor got his reward in (delicious) information, I love that!
Comment by ccr in MA 03.05.19 @ 1:01 pmLeave a comment
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