Soak dye acid heat
Thursday February 21st 2019, 10:53 pm
Filed under: To dye for

(The title.)

So there was this poor, unloved long-sleeved silk/cashmere turtleneck in good condition on, marked down to garage sale ($3, I think?) because of its color.

Some people like bright lime mixed with mustard yellow just fine, but apparently not enough to pay even that much, even in that fabric. To me it looked like a bad cold.

Then they threw free shipping at me. Yeah, I ordered the darn thing. It was down to its last-chance days and you couldn’t just let it be tossed; someone had to love it.

Two weeks after it came now I do.

One dye pot, a bit of turquoise (it came out a bit greener and brighter than the camera could show, and ever so slightly pointillistically heathered) and not only is it over its cold but I am ecstatic. The stitching must have been done in nylon: it all matches, the sewing and the fabric, as if it had come that way originally. The simmering softened it markedly and got rid of any residual stiffening effects from previous dry cleanings. (Handwash cashmeres in lukewarm water gently to preserve the softness of that fiber. Dry cleaning makes it harsh.) Any darker areas are from how the washer spun it out and the fact that it isn’t all the way dry yet (spin cycle only with no water spray), but I couldn’t wait to show you.

It’s glorious!

This does not help me avoid buying cheap color-uglied natural fibers the next time. At all.

But that tiny splurge was well spent.  I’m going to be wearing this till I wear it out.

5 Comments so far
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Well, that gamble paid off!

Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 02.22.19 @ 7:51 am

You are amazing. How could you know to choose turquoise for overdying?

Comment by Dee Jochen 02.22.19 @ 7:58 am

Transformation – always so exciting!

Comment by twinsetellen 02.22.19 @ 10:43 am

Gotta love cheap!

Comment by Sherry in Idaho 02.23.19 @ 9:46 am

That’s awesome! Congrats on the great transformation.

Comment by ccr in MA 02.25.19 @ 1:38 pm

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