Post haste
Monday January 28th 2019, 10:43 pm
Filed under: Knit,Life

I went looking for a box the right size and realized I might as well use the post office’s priority mail one; it’s usually cheaper anyway. I got something ready and packed for my niece as long as I was going there, set it down, went to address the next…

It hit me. Wait a minute. I’ve known my daughter’s friends for years–but it hadn’t occurred to me that I didn’t actually know their last name. They’d forever simply been B. & N. and since the baby blanket was going 1100+ miles away to a town they don’t normally live in, in the middle of nowhere, there had sure better be a last name on that box for that postmaster if I want that baby to get her blankie for sure.

It took a few hours for the text to get seen, but it was, and it was a relief when I got it–she wasn’t going to have to wait an extra day after all. And for the parents’ sakes: I’d so wanted the postmark to read today, the first day it could possibly have been. I wanted them to know all of us are there for them in their loss of his dad.

Got to the post office an hour before they closed.

And came out of there picturing that small face as she grabs her beloved blanket out of that box with all the exuberance of an 18-month-old, making the adults around her happy for her.

Hold on, little one, it’s coming!

4 Comments so far
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So glad for everyone that it worked out. I had that “last name thing ” happen one time. It was a strange realization.

Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 01.29.19 @ 7:38 am

There will be joy when the box is opened, no doubt!

So glad it all worked out.

Comment by Suzanne in Montreal 01.29.19 @ 9:24 am

so glad you beat the mailing deadline. I had to email a friend yesterday – 2x. The first was to check their address for mailing a package – the second was to verify the last name of the young lady to whom the package was going…..

not surprising at all that we know those things which are important and learn details when they become necessary!

Comment by Holly 01.29.19 @ 1:08 pm

This series of posts brought tears to my eyes. I’m imagining the parents feeling just a bit more in control of their world that just got tossed in so many ways, being able to return that blanket to their babe.

Comment by twinsetellen 01.31.19 @ 1:37 pm

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