The hearing aids needed cleaning and Los Gatos Birdwatcher where I buy my seed is less than a mile from there. So I combined the two trips, as I often do.
When the tech handed me back my ears I asked her, Do you like dark chocolate? Like, really dark chocolate?
She laughed at the highly unexpected question and said, I guess so, not knowing how dark we were talking here nor why on earth I was asking.
Well, we’ve been experimenting with our new toy… And I offered her one of the squares from our bars.
She laughed, she ate it, she was delighted at the idea of it and at my sharing. I’m not convinced she was entirely enamored of the actual chocolate, but she definitely went home that day with a story to tell.
On to the birdseed store.
Where there was a clerk I’d never seen before. She was warm, helpful, approachable, just a gem of a woman and after she loaded my twenty pound bag up for me I asked her the same question and got the same startled, laughing response–only this time with, I LOVE dark chocolate! Love it!
And oh she did.
She had no idea you could make your own. She sure does now, though.
I rather imagine soon she’ll have a story to tell me about her own.
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Not only are you spreading love and joy, you are helping to convert the susceptible. Perhaps you should ask the company for a commission……
Comment by holly 01.12.19 @ 11:01 amLeave a comment
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