Thank you all for the many notes checking up on our family; that meant a great deal to me, all day long, as all those messages of love came in over and over. The first one in my inbox this morning was actually my heads-up that the quake had happened, and I ran across the house for my phone to go see.
Her first text had come in. Sam was able to get a single phone call out to us shortly thereafter and we did the designated-contact-in-an-emergency thing and passed the word to her siblings: she and her family were safe.
She had been on the seventh floor of her downtown building. She made it out okay to go get the baby from daycare. That red SUV in all the news pictures with the road collapsed all around it except for its one tiny island of safety? That’s about a mile from where she had to go to to get him.
Her husband made it home first, finding the damage minimal and cleaning up the broken glass and dishes so they wouldn’t have to come home to that. They, meantime, were in a designated shelter, and after hours, finally they were able to make it home, too.
They are closer to the epicenter than downtown was.
Sam posted pictures of Mathias on FB holding a broom and dustpan, “helping” with the cleanup (now that there was no broken glass for him to get hurt on.)
We were on some of those very roads last weekend, and of course they live there, and for the moment they’re hunkering down and staying put and out of the way of those officially trying to do all that needs to be done in the aftermath of such a big quake.
There was some talk of maybe upgrading it later to a 7.2, but a 7 is plenty.
I remember trying to sleep on what felt like a waterbed with the endless aftershocks when we had our Loma Prieta. Theirs are stronger.
Our loved ones are well. Our terrified grandcat that wedged herself under the couch in her panic has been rescued. She later decided underneath Mathias’s crib was the safe place to be; normally she considers him the little tail-grabber who must be avoided, but she was staying close.
Others’ families are well, too, and we are grateful beyond words.
And thank you, again, to all of you who were reaching out to ask. In the intensity of the day those kindnesses were a great comfort.
4 Comments so far
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So frightening! The photos I’ve seen of the destruction were terrifying. So glad to hear your family is safe. Now I pray for their peace of mind and comfort.
Comment by Jody 12.01.18 @ 1:10 amOh, I am so relieved that they are ok. I have been thinking and worrying about your Alaska family!
Comment by Joanne 12.01.18 @ 2:17 pmI’m so glad they’re all right! How frightening for all of you.
My brother was living in SF for the World Series quake, and we found out about it when my aunt called to ask if he was all right. No cell phones, no internet, no social media: doesn’t that seem impossible now?
Comment by car in MA 12.01.18 @ 7:09 pmSo thankful all are safe. Thanks for letting us know.
Comment by Sherry in Idaho 12.03.18 @ 3:45 pmLeave a comment
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