Filed under: Garden
It would be a chunk, but maybe it’s time. I looked at these mango-tree-shaped plastic greenhouses last year but they were brand new with zero reviews and I wanted them to have a little more history first. Now they do. I do like the idea that even I could set one of those up fast–and I could take it down in spring and summer.
I’d have to get a different heating system that could handle the space, though (while not damaging that plastic.) But the tree wouldn’t need the daily babysitting, if this could work, and it would get every bit of morning sun to help ripen its fruit.
Anyone with any experience with such things, greenhouses, heaters, please let me know.
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No experience here, but I remember reading about a system where you raised bunnies inside the greenhouse and they provided a little body heat.
Or maybe it was their composting manure?
Either way, I suppose there is a simpler solution. But not any as cute.
Comment by twinsetellen 10.16.18 @ 8:46 amLeave a comment
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