A friend threw a potluck tonight to go over the ballot issues via a lively 15-way discussion.
And…voices stayed understated, everyone was a grownup, but it definitely felt lively there for a few minutes after one person quietly texted her friend the candidate, who showed up and was promptly peppered with questions. (The hostess was, um, a tad surprised, but invited her in and took it in stride very graciously.)
Turns out another woman there was dead set against her (I was a bit stunned at finding out why)–and after hearing the three of them each speak their piece, that candidate very much has my vote. She’s the equivalent of Christine Blasey Ford’s mom’s friend, who in our local case spoke up for the raped 14-year-old for 18 months, hounding school board members and the superintendent, telling that other woman’s kid on the school newspaper that using the defendant’s lawyer as your source for saying it was consensual and not interviewing anyone who said otherwise is so not cool and you must publish a retraction. This is a criminal case and you are contributing to the continuing victimization of the victim.
There was a second assault.
She kept on pushing until she got justice and the school instituted some changes. And now she’s running to be on that board.
The principal who kept trying to brush her off, who put consequences on the victim alone and none on the perpetrator, no support whatsoever for the girl, ended up fired.
Yeah. You bet I’m voting for this woman. She’s got nerves of steel and she will do the right thing no matter who or what power stands in her way.
I’d been debating doing early voting but had wanted to hold off till that dinner was over, and I can’t tell you how glad I am that I did.
2 Comments so far
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What a wonderful way to discuss issues! I really like that it was a small group – it’s much more difficult, I think, to get uncivil (is that a word?) when we are face-to-face with people, and in a group of calmer voices. I like the sound of this candidate, too. She really is the kind of person we need now.
Comment by Pegi F 10.25.18 @ 1:35 amOh how I wish she’d been in Texas when our family needed her advocacy. May the good ma’am win!
Comment by LYNN DAVIS 10.26.18 @ 4:42 pmLeave a comment
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