A yarn store not far from the Tree of Life synagogue that was attacked is collecting squares to be made into afghans, with a deadline of December 1st and a request that you not weave the ends in (I imagine they want to use them for sewing the squares together in yarns that match.) Note that there are three synagogues that meet in the same building and all were affected.
Yarns By Design got permission from Nickie Epstein to share her Tree of Life pattern and posted it here.
I’m hoping I can find enough people in my area for us to finish at least one afghan in full.
I’ll let the shop tell the details of what they want. I’d love to hear any other ideas on designs.
Pattern: any and all designs and skill-levels are welcome
eg. Stars of David, trees, hearts, doves, plain, etc
Size: 9” horizontally by 8.5” vertically with a 5 row seed stitch edging
Yarn: Dk or sport weight (3 on the standard scale), super wash wool or other washable fibers only. Please make sure your yarn won’t felt!
Gauge: 6 stitches/in stockinette
Needle size: 5-7, or whatever you need to get gauge
Style: knit or crochet
All samples can be dropped off at the YBD boutique by December 1st, or mailed to us at:
Yarns By Design
622 Allegheny River Blvd
Oakmont PA 15139
2 Comments so far
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Thanks for posting this. I wish I could knit right now.
Comment by Anne 10.29.18 @ 11:52 pmThank you for posting this. I have wondered what I can do to help – knitters come through again!
A dear friend who lives in Franconia NH now lived in Pittsburgh for years; her family doctor from those years was killed on Saturday. Her family is devastated. The hate has to stop.
Comment by Pegi F 10.30.18 @ 2:55 amLeave a comment
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