Thank you for the notes and comments. To my great relief, today was, cold? What cold?
New mango leaves and inflorescence–today they have stalks. This is new.
Meantime, I’ve been riveted by updates on Christine Blasey Ford’s case.
There is no statute of limitations for felony sexual assault in Maryland. Montgomery County’s chief of police just tweeted that all he needs is for her to file a criminal complaint and he’s prepared to investigate.
That would mean that Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge could be put under oath by the county, at a time when the Republicans on the Judiciary Committee are doing everything they can to stave that off and rush a vote before any truth squeezes out.
Go MoCo! (I grew up in that county.)
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The GOP is behaving abominably!
Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 09.22.18 @ 7:05 amLeave a comment
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