The taming of the flew
Saturday September 08th 2018, 10:52 pm
Filed under: Wildlife

For the first time since spring, a Cooper’s hawk swooped around the bird feeder this afternoon and back to the trees.

I saw the new one try a couple of times back around March but it just didn’t have the pattern down of how to pick out one fat dove when it’s alone and scare it into going the wrong direction, where the windows offer up a take-out meal. The older Coopernicus knew exactly where that glass was and how to use it, to the point of coming and perching a few feet away and inspecting after I’d washed the windows, but not this one. And then there was this human that wanted to watch it, and it didn’t like that at all.

My aging friend in his day was content to preen nearby and to make eye contact with me, even following my gaze.

The new generation was having none of it nor me. I thought it had simply moved on to better hunting grounds.

But equinox is in two weeks and with it comes the need to make territorial claims visible again.

I had wondered if I would even get to see one here again. Well that answers that question.

Things are looking up.

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