Tuesday September 11th 2018, 9:49 pm
Filed under: Life

They can’t make major noise before 8:00 a.m. but they can certainly arrive earlier and set up for it.

I love waking up in the morning and looking out the overhead windows at the big branch (not touching the power line) on the camphor tree, where there’s almost always a bird or two perched or flitting around.

At workers up there looking down in, not so much.

All that anticipation and trying to be ready for it, and when the guy said Tuesday or Wednesday it wasn’t Tuesday.

Just keep them away from the #@% skylights, that’s all I ask.

On a far more important note on this day of remembrance: Blue Man Group, with the link courtesy of Holly.

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Wonderful video. Wish I’d seen it earlier in the day, as I would have shared it with friends.

Comment by Anne 09.11.18 @ 11:37 pm

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