Filed under: Family
I was cleaning the house, as one does before one’s sister-in-law arrives from Texas, and stumbled across a spring alumni magazine I hadn’t gotten around to reading but hadn’t wanted to let go of before I did. I almost chucked it straight in the recycling. This was not a day for being patient with clutter.
But wait.
Okay, years ago when the movie Napoleon Dynamite came out, Newsweek ran a small blurb praising it, with that iconic picture of the curly-red-headed lead character.
All I knew was, I turned the page on my magazine and why on earth was my husband’s high school picture in Newsweek?! In his suit–I recognized it.
But wait (looking more closely), is that… (reading). Wow. Man is that guy a dead ringer from back in the day (although mine’s better looking.)
So here I was, alumni magazine in hand tonight and the cover looks sort of like an artsy-fartsy graphic that you might even think was that guy. It couldn’t be. What would that movie have to do with BYU?
Plenty, it turns out, given that the writer and most of the actors were students there at the time; the cover story was an interview with the cast. I’d had no idea. And they were funny!
I’ve said for years I really ought to see it just to see how else that guy looks like my husband 40 years ago. Now I want to see how those guys pulled off those scenes they described.
They borrowed a van and it broke down, so, okay, they shot that scene right there in the middle of the field. They needed a cow in front of the school bus and theirs was a no-show; well, everyone in this quite small town has the same first three numbers on their phone, so they just dialed the last four numbers randomly till they got someone.
I’m doing this movie (oh they knew who this was) and we need a people-friendly cow. Know any?
Well, we’ve got Bessie the 4-H cow. And so Bessie was there in ten minutes.
I want to watch her world debut. Finally.
Anybody around here seen it?
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I did not see that show but I understand it takes place in Preston, Id–about 60 miles from home.
Comment by Sherry in Idaho 08.06.18 @ 1:18 pmLeave a comment
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