From gold country
Sunday July 08th 2018, 10:38 pm
Filed under: Family,Friends

Michelle’s flown home–and my old friend Constance arrived.

You know the kind of friend who is kind, who is thoughtful, and who keeps you laughing nonstop? Everybody needs a Constance.

One of the first things she said, was, I want to see my grandtree! She’s the one who had grown up with a Babcock peach, who when I was trying to figure out what to plant told me it was the best peach ever. My family had picked Babcocks at a pick-your-own when I was a kid, and between the two of us I was sold on the idea.

It’s my smallest peach tree but it’s a pretty one.

The critters beat her to the last of its fruit by two days, though; we’ll just have to make this an annual trip.

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Those darn critters!!!

Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 07.09.18 @ 6:12 am

I had never heard of Babcock until I read this.

The peaches we picked were Lorings. I think you have one of those in your orchard.


Comment by Dad 07.09.18 @ 8:47 am

Heat warnings here–what shall I knit? I know, I will start a mitered square blankie with leftover sock yarn. Each tiny square takes only a little yarn and is not too warm to knit in hot weather–weather/whether it will ever be a blanket is the question.

Comment by Sherry in Idaho 07.09.18 @ 9:37 am

Lorings, yes, and the Babcocks were the white peaches we got a few times, too.

Comment by AlisonH 07.09.18 @ 9:48 am

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