Spring cleaning
Thursday May 03rd 2018, 10:30 pm
Filed under: Amaryllis,Life

I need to get back to the knitting. Something about being away awhile makes tackling the house the most important thing, though, and the recycling bin is full again a day after pickup. Man, that felt good.

What felt less good is that the refrigerator was either slightly bounced open those five days or else the thing is dying after 25 years. Which it may well be. I moved both its settings to coldest and threw out a lot on Tuesday but today the cheese was green–and yet things at least seem cold enough now. (Do we trust those eggs?)

Wait–typing that it finally hit me: I have that infrared temp sensor! I got up and aimed for the back of the fridge as the door opened. 34.1, 40 at the front. Okay, I think we’re good, I just have to find and get rid of anything else that might have been damaged and just start over.

Meantime, the amaryllis-scape for the day. 

4 Comments so far
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Very cool amaryllis jungle. How did the two mini-amaryllis that I sent you turn out? (Triple-flowered white Alfresco and the red Dynamite)

Comment by Marian 05.03.18 @ 11:49 pm

You still might need a new fridge ? or at least a new seal.

Comment by Anne 05.03.18 @ 11:52 pm

What a gorgeous picture!

Comment by Suzanne in Montreal 05.04.18 @ 5:44 am

Eggs don’t need to be refrigerated in the short term. Just cook them up (not poached or soft) and eat them…
We sometimes have problems with leaving our frig open too. It freezes things at the back so we often overload at the front, and we have two six year olds “helping!”

Comment by joanne 05.04.18 @ 6:53 am

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