Tuesday May 08th 2018, 8:27 pm
Filed under: Wildlife

The San Francisco peregrine falcons are about two weeks older than the eyases in the San Jose nest, and one of them just fledged.

Video of Glenn Stewart after banding the San Jose kids.

Video here of one of the San Francisco kids flapping its wings, doing little leaps, wanting so badly, and then finally OFF! Into the unknown of Look, Ma, no ground! It was quickly joined by a parent, who helped it find its way back to the nest on the 33d floor of the PG&E building.

Gliding down is the easy part. Getting higher is what they have to learn, and so far, so good.

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The title of your post made me smile and I find myself cheering for them kids.

Comment by Suzanne in Montreal 05.09.18 @ 5:30 am

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