Filed under: Wildlife
Oh my goodness! I just saw a snowy egret in glorious breeding-season featheriness (that tail!) land on the fence right outside the window! It was regal, a little bit dinosaur, and it dwarfed its perch.
Then it flew to the roof next door and looked over and I suddenly got it: uh oh, those koi are a-goner…
2 Comments so far
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How cool!
I’m really looking forward to the bird life I’ll see in Florida, egrets and ibis are all over the place, and just so much cooler than robins and gulls to me.
Comment by ccr in MA 05.06.18 @ 10:42 amYears ago we had neighbors with koi. Our cat decided that those were her personal pantry. In frustration (and for the neighbors’ sake) a galvanized tub was purchased, placed in our backyard, and filled with goldfish. We had to replace the goldfish frequently, but Boots would perch on the edge of the tub (such a small lip!) and fish. The neighbors’ koi were now safe (no more partial koi bodies found in our yard – phew!)
Comment by Mary 05.07.18 @ 6:03 amLeave a comment
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