We read silly books, we played, we cheered.
Or rather he did, at least during the games. Since I can’t be out in the sun our daughter took me to her favorite dessert place downtown, and after we got back, the big screen got set up to show me some of the boys’ best moves so I could see them in action, too and their daddy could brag on them.
A little later, I pointed out the pretty orange flowers in the tree to Maddy and how the petals were falling on their swingset.
She did a double take at my audacity and corrected me: “Those. Aren’t. Flowers.”
I laughed. For that I had to step outside a moment with her, sun or no sun. “Yes they are!” I held her up high so she could see a cluster from quite close.
Nothing doing. Trees don’t have them. “They’re not flowers. And–they’re BLUE!” and she ran off giggling.
The logic of a three-year-old.
She might figure out now how the jacaranda trees are all purple right now. (In San Diego. Ours haven’t quite yet.)
When the last flight home for the day was coming right up, I explained to her mid-romp that we were going home to our house now.
She looked up at me, stunned, her face begging, WHAT?! NO!!
We got caught up in saying goodbye to Hudson and Parker and hugs and then we were off in their aunt’s car for the airport.
I only later realized I’d forgotten this time to promise them that we would come back. The boys are old enough to take that for granted but their little sister needed that reassurance.
But we will. I promise.
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I am so grateful you were able to visit with them and experience all these giggles and joyful moments.
Yes, the logic of a 3-year old is quite amazing.
Comment by Suzanne in Montreal 05.21.18 @ 5:58 amLeave a comment
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