Filed under: Knit
Two things.
I finished this generous-sized cowl on size US 8s in Piuma cashmere #22077 from Colourmart (it’s damp in my picture) with 70 grams left of the original 150, plenty to make a smaller one.
And I found and bought this pattern. Angelfish, octopus, sea horse, clownfish, surf rolling in (I’ll vary it rather than repeat it exactly)–this was exactly what I’d been looking for for the afghan, though I’ll probably skip the goofy grins on the critters’ faces. Do I need dirt at the ocean floor? Only if I can find cute enough dirt.
(Maddy’s cape is still definitely in the mental queue but it has no deadline.)
I did a thorough stash-diving amongst my Malabrigo Rios for bits and pieces of bright enough color to match my ten skeins in Cian. Huh. Is that all the Glazed Carrot I have left? Maybe I can manage a clownfish out of that? (The Piuma is not an option. It has to be superwash.)
Maybe with that red as an accent.
Just often enough, hoarding the last of each ball pays off big time.
I need to start another cowl, for a carry-around project if nothing else, but I really want to dive right into that blanket.
3 Comments so far
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Cool pattern, but all those smiles might get a bit creepy! Glad you are thinking of modifying the pattern.
Comment by Anne 05.16.18 @ 11:14 pmYour excitement is contagious!
Thank you for sharing it with us. *hugs*
Comment by Suzanne in Montreal 05.17.18 @ 5:32 amI think I’d do as SeaSideShirley did, knit the “sea” side to side in a ripple then attach all of the critters and plants. I’d have a much better chance of finishing!
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