My first success at trying to photograph it.
The new Cooper’s hawk hasn’t yet been harassed by the ravens–and so, for apparently the third time this week, he took his dove dinner to the middle of the yard, out in the open. (Pardon the broomstick.)
Just like Coopernicus did when he was young.
Meantime, I went off to Cottage Yarns to try to find me some seaweed colors, and I did find some dark green but I’m not quite convinced it won’t turn into cowls instead. It’s hard to match the brightness of that Cian colorway.
Here’s what I’ve got so far: I cast on the entire width of the afghan, figuring I would put most of the stitches on hold and work one strip upwards at a time. Right now though I’m not so sure I won’t just simply do it all of a piece.
It took till today to figure out what bugged me about the original pattern: it’s four squares wide. The eye is unsettled at low even numbers–it wants odd ones. It’s got to be five. My swatch said I needed five anyway.
I’ve got ten stitches for each side, eleven rows, and I’m calling that bottom border done.
I want a reclining octopus taking up enough of one side to help divide the interior into the visual thirds that it should be. The seaweed needs to extend well into a second row’s worth to help with its third.
I got me some finagling to do.
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What a majestic bird!
Somehow, I can imagine you smiling as you workout the details of this new blanket – and that makes me smile. 🙂
Comment by Suzanne in Montreal 05.18.18 @ 5:23 amLeave a comment
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