This is the time of year when the weeds go to seed here. They come up in January before the grass (which still tries) and choke it out, then dry up when the rains stop.
Except, the rains haven’t stopped, so they are really going to town. Pretty little purple flowers were starting to carpet half the back yard. Charming–if you don’t know.
A friend responded to a tree company’s offer of “free mulch!” and found himself with an entire truckload dumped on his driveway. After several weeks of hard labor trying to get it to his back yard and spread around with his little kids sort-of-helping, he finally cried uncle and begged the teenagers at church to rescue him. They came, and some of their parents, and got it done.
There’s no way I was going to do that to them or me.
In a moment of desperate inspiration, then, the light bulb went off. I have all those frost covers.
I spread them out across almost the entire infested area. I came close. I held the edges down with anything I could find. I should have done this way sooner but I thought of it when I thought of it.
Well, that’ll look pretty to all those airplanes flying up there.
I kept them in place for a week. Sorry, bees, but hey, the cherry and lemon trees are blooming.
My lawn mowing guy was coming today so I gathered the covers up last night, curious to see the result.
You could tell exactly where they’d been: there were short weeds and there were tall weeds, in squares. They’d suddenly put all their energy into trying to outgrow this barrier to their sun and energy. The covers didn’t black it out–they were designed not to–but laid out flat rather than tucked around, there was a double layer everywhere.
I saw just a few clusters of stiletto-sharps.
I was very pleased with myself. It made it worth putting up with a frankly ugly view out there during the experiment.
And then tonight I went to go put a frost cover on the mango.
What stabby seeds there were had been velcroed onto the covers. Well, that works, too, I guess.
(On the phone over an hour now with Turbo Tax, trying to figure why our returns appear not to have been transmitted by them last week. Fun times. Glad I asked why there had been no confirmation.)
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Waited until yesterday to file ours. Were done before, but I got sidetracked. They went and confirmation of acceptance came, and then I looked at my NYT blog and was amazed that they actually went and got accepted in the same day. Looks like the site was down most of the day so don’t know I we lucked out, but I am not complaining! ~chris
Comment by chris 04.18.18 @ 5:12 amLeave a comment
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