Yes, yes I think that’ll do quite nicely
Tuesday March 06th 2018, 11:32 pm
Filed under: Knitting a Gift

I was going to do another half diamond but I think I’ll call it good.

Yarn: laceweight teal-blue silk from Colourmart that I asked them to ply for me, 2×3 strands together for a 6-ply of it. (You order that at checkout, $5.) It came out a little thicker than I expected, more like a worsted-weight wool would be, but that just means it knitted up all the faster. I have 74 grams left out of the 150.

It does need to be washed because of the mill oils, unlike a store-bought yarn, so how much stretching of the lace vs shrinking of the silk–it’s all an adventure from here.

I think I’ll go cast off and call it done.

2 Comments so far
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That’s lovely! I look forward to the report on how it does in the washing.

Comment by ccr in MA 03.07.18 @ 7:49 am

I, too, am curious to learn how the rest of the process will go.

Now, what colour will you knit next? 🙂

Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 03.07.18 @ 7:58 am

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