Seventy inches. That had been the goal all along.
I put down the wedding afghan project to knit my friend Jerry two hats to wear over his brain tumor surgery scar, and since the afghan is heavy and half cotton it’s hard on the hands and it was easy to let it wait some more while I cast on cowl after cowl.
But it was bugging me, and rightfully so. I was so close. I pulled it out of the overstuffed ziploc today and got to it.
When my hands had had enough for now, I laid it out on the floor.
Seventy. I can’t tell you how good that felt.
I have easily enough on that ball for one more pattern repeat, though, and given that cotton tends to shrink vertically, it would be a good idea. So I will.
Meantime, the Baby Crawford peach (above) still has a few new flowers for the Indian Free that is not yet fully in bloom and can’t set fruit alone. Here’s hoping today’s rain didn’t wash all the pollen away? If anyone knows more on that subject than I do, please let me know. Thanks!
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Thank you for those lovely pictures!
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 03.21.18 @ 5:46 amLeave a comment
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