A son of goodly parents
Saturday March 31st 2018, 11:10 pm
Filed under: Garden,Knitting a Gift,Life,Wildlife

Not a single squirrel so much as ran down that fence line, as far as I saw today. Several times they came down the side fence, stopped, sniffed in the direction of the cherry tree–nuh UH, and turned the other way and disappeared into the yard behind instead. Two new cherry flowers today and they were left alone. Unsweetened grape Kool-aid solution for the win!

The blueberries might need some of that soon.

And over at the needles, beaded silk. It’s Conference weekend, and two two-hour online sessions of watching the leaders of the Mormon Church helped get a lot of knitting done, with an occasional glance over at squirrel antics.

The stunner/not-surprised-in-hindsight was the announcement that someone who grew up in our ward, whose family we know well, was called to be one of the twelve apostles. I cannot think of a better man in every way that they could have asked to represent and offer Christ’s love and compassion to the world. I’m so glad his 91-year-old mom got to live to see the day.

There are two more sessions tomorrow, starting at 9 am and 1 pm Pacific time.  Wishing a joyful Easter to all who celebrate it and every good thing to all.

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Happy Easter to you, too!

Comment by LynnM 04.01.18 @ 2:19 am

Happy and Joyful Easter to you too! I love the colors in that piece and wanted to thank you for the idea for the grape kool-aid solution. We are hoping it works for our garden this year too! ~chris

Comment by chris 04.01.18 @ 6:48 am

My parents were pretty excited too. Their former bishop became an apostle. Their former stake president became a general authority. And Virginia is getting a temple.

Comment by LauraN 04.04.18 @ 8:36 am

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